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Wheke (Octopus) - Young Children to School age

From four years to school age.

The Wheke area runs an extensive programme driven from the child’s interest and extended by the teaching team. Resources in the Wheke area are freely available for the children to access and this allows full exploration within all domains.

Kai time
All meal times are set at specific times of the day.  Teachers join the children at the table supporting them as they select their food.  Joining the children at kai times ensures that teaching staff can easily monitor the individual child’s daily diet.  These times are preceded by kia ora kai and a variety of food is offered giving child choice. Children are encouraged to use knives and forks at lunch kai, supporting the home environment.  Every Tuesday children have lunch box day where families provide their children with a lunch box of food for morning tea and lunch kai.  This will give the children opportunity to experience the same routine as school. 

Group Learning Opportunities
During the course of each day there are several gathering times. These promote opportunities for:
• children to share news / events developing confidence communicating in group settings
• children to share in music, movement and waiata / song
• children to work together as a large group participating in games or discussion. 

Project work
Children have the opportunity to explore topics of interest both independently and alongside a teacher.  This work is individual for each child and will show progression of their activities and learning.  This allows the children to research topics, carry out practical tasks and work on developmental skills such as literacy and numeracy in a more focused way.

PMP (Perceptual Motor Programme)
Once a week the children participate in PMP (perceptual motor programme).  This programme works toward the development of physical skills in a range of domains.   

Community Day
Once a week a small group of children extend on their learning by participating in a community experience.